Thursday, September 1, 2011

September 01: Jungle Horse

Just two short dreams to record for today:

 The dreams:  The first dream was pretty short.  I was in an elementary school serving as a classroom assistant.  My class a celebrity guest who was performing and entertaining as a special treat for the students (I'm not sure who exactly the celebrity was, but he vaguely resembled Robin Williams).  The celebrity was a master at impersonations; he also had a large bird that assisted in his performance.  The show began when the bird gave out a cry that perfectly mimicked the school alarm bell.  I was outside of the classroom, and initially thought it was the real bell until I walked in and saw that it was the bird making the noise.  This evidently signaled the beginning of the act, much to the excitement and delight of the children watching; the class quickly settled down to enjoy the show.

The celebrity entertainer introduced his act by asking the children to identify which animal he was impersonating based on the sound he made.  He then began to roar and growl very dramatically, to me sounding like a lion or other large cat; however, the children weren't so quick to pick up on the animal, and began shouting out numerous incorrect guesses.  The actor continued to pantomime the animal as the shouted guesses became more and more sporadic, until one young boy shouted out "jungle horse!"  This suggestion so greatly caught the entertainer off guard as to cause him to lose his train of thought and drop the act completely; he stared, perplexed, at the young boy, and all pretense of the animal act was replaced by a silent stunned confusion.  I'm sure his thoughts mirrored my own: I pondered what in the world a "jungle horse" could be.... Either way, it was such a funny scenario that I actually woke up laughing from it.

The next dream was also quite short.  In it, I was working at my previous job in the digital print lab at the art school I was employed at in California a few years ago.  As is often the case in dreams, the location was a strange construction of my subconscious, but the people were familiar coworkers and friends.  I was attempting to do some test prints on one of the fancy new printers that had been acquired in my absence, but I was unable to find suitable paper on which to print.  The majority of the dream was spent with me looking for decent printer paper while talking with my coworkers about various things.  After a while, I woke up.


My thoughts:  The first dream is one of those dreams where I wake up laughing from something funny in my dream, usually a strange word or phrase.  If I'm quick enough, I'll write it down before I forget.  While I'm not completely sure that the child's animal of choice was "jungle horse," that's the closest I can remember to whatever crazy animal he came up with.

The second is a fairly common dream type: it seems like whenever I leave from somewhere such as my home town, previous school, or place of employment, I'll dream about it after a while.

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