Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August 31: Teaching Lucid Dreaming in a Lucid Dream

The dream: In the first dream, I remember being in a classroom with a dozen or so younger students, many of them my cousins and other relatives. After a while I realized that I was dreaming, so I used the opportunity to explain to the students in attendance that this was a dream and what lucid dreaming entailed. I proceeded to demonstrate by walking through a nearby wall and back, showing that waking rules could be bent or broken in the dream. After a while of this "training," we all departed the classroom and began to explore a large abandoned building, for what I don't recall. The dream ended soon after that.

In the second dream, I was staying the night in a toy store with a boy and girl in their late teens (sleeping bags and everything). We were staying in an aisle full of action figures, including Star Wars toys, etc. After a few minutes of dialogue that I don't quite remember, I pointed out that one of the action figures resembled the girl in an attempt at humor. She didn't see the resemblance; I looked down at the toy in my hand and realized that it was a chrome-colored robot that didn't look remotely human, let alone like the girl. My remedy for this solution was to bend the figure's arms slightly; I then showed the girl that now the figure resembled her. She realized that I was teasing her and laughed as she walked off. I woke up shortly thereafter.

My thoughts: I don't know why I find it necessary to explain lucid dreaming or the fact that we're all in a dream to constructs of my subconscious. It's like I think that my friends or family are sharing a communal dream with me, and I'm the only one who realizes it.

Don't know what to make of the second one, although I do often have dreams about sleeping in strange places such as stores.

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