Sunday, September 4, 2011

September 04: Star Trek Teachers and a Disturbing Dream

The dreams:  In the first dream, I was in a classroom that was empty except for me and the teacher, who happened to be William Shatner.  Class had just ended, and I stayed after to ask Mr. Shatner for some creative writing advice (whether he was a Writing teacher, I'm not sure).  We were chatting for a while when (of course) Leonard Nimoy came in.  I woke from this dream shortly thereafter.

In the next dream, I was in my old neighborhood again, sitting in the grass of the front yard of my old house.  I was holding a revolver in my hands and getting ready to load the cylinder.  For some unknown reason, I intended to use the tips of my fingers as bullets, and so I had cut them off after the last knuckle.  I knew this would ultimately be okay, because they would grow back (??); sure enough, they had healed completely by the time I was loading the gun.  However, as I was trying to load my fingertips into the gun, I realized I had way too many "bullets"; in fact, one of them was actually an entire finger (which clearly couldn't fit in the revolver).  Then I realized that I had somehow also acquired someone else's fingers in addition to my own.  I dropped the excess fingers and moved away.  Later, I saw a man picking up one of the fingers and licking the cut-off end.  I'm just hoping it was his....

When it was time to test out my gun and its interesting ammo, a woman approached me and asked if she could shoot it.  I agreed, and gave her the gun.  She suggested that I be the target; I acquiesced, only slightly concerned and hesitant.  As I took my position standing against a wall, I started having stronger misgivings -- after all, what if she shot me in the head?  That would hurt, even if the bullets were my own fingers.  I shrugged my concerns off, and closed my eyes and waited.  I heard the telltale boom, but nothing happened.  I opened my eyes, only to see the woman laying on the ground, completely obscured and covered from head to toe by her own blood to the point that at first I didn't even recognize her as the same person.  I reasoned that the gun had backfired and injured her.  I, and several other bystanders, ran to help.  I don't remember much after this; I eventually woke up.


My thoughts:  Yeah, we're not going to talk about the first dream; there's not much to say there.  Star Trek guys.  Got it.

What the HELL is with the second dream?  I pride myself on understanding the meaning behind most of my dreams, and if they get a little weird -- hey, it happens, and I usually realize it's a dream soon after.  This one was just plain disturbing.  It's not just that it was twisted and somewhat gory: the nonchalance of everything makes it doubly disturbing.  And at no point did I have a problem with any of it, save the slight concern of getting shot in the head "because it might hurt."  Shot in the head by my own fingers, which were being used as bullets!  But the guy picking up a random finger and licking it takes the cake.

Where did this come from?  I don't watch gory movies.  I don't have violent or disturbing thoughts like this while awake.  Who knows....

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