Saturday, August 27, 2011

August 27: Persistant Scammers and the Big Bang

I've resumed keeping a dream journal after a two-year hiatus. Let's see how long I keep at it this time....

The dream: At the beginning of this dream I was working in an arcade, helping kids turn in tickets for prizes and keeping an eye on the games and patrons. After a while, a woman and her teenage daughter approached me. The girl was participating in a fund raiser and trying to raise money by selling flowers; the person who purchased a flower would get to go on a date with the girl. I assume the mother was there as a chaperone and officiator of the whole process. It seemed strange, so I asked a series of questions to figure out what was really going on.

Ultimately, I uncovered that they were using the information they gathered to sign the unwitting participants up for some sort of contract, which required the dupes to pay a significant amount of money every month (for what I’m not sure); the mother and daughter were at the mall, targeting single males in the hopes of swaying them with the hope of a date. Strangely enough, even though I uncovered their scam and avoided it, the two acted as if they had duped me already and were laughing and mocking me as if I were a desperate chump who fell for their ruse. It was frustrating, but the dream soon changed.

Next, I was at a zoo with a group of friends. It was a strange place where the animals were all free to roam about in one giant building as opposed to individual pens or fenced-off areas. Patrons boarded a small train that ran leisurely along a track through the various zones in the zoo. We rode by a large group of apes standing dangerously close to the tracks, and later through a bird area, where a duck jumped into my car and settled on my lap. At the end of the train ride, I noticed the same girl and mother duo from earlier in the dream, still pointing and laughing. I angrily approached the girl and informed her that I hadn’t fallen for her scam, and began arguing with her. Eventually she realized this, and responded with hostility as opposed to derision. After the brief argument, I left.

The dream changed again, and I was getting ready for bed in a large abandoned dining hall in some unknown building. The room was filthy and infested with rodents: underneath my blanket I found a dead mouse. I realized I wouldn’t be able to sleep here, so I left.

After a while, I again ran into the girl in the hallway of an unknown residence. Unlike before, she seemed now to be at odds with her mother. Apparently our argument made her realize that her mother’s plan wasn’t a good one, and now she wanted out. She befriended me, and we ventured off together.

At some point in the dream we stumbled upon a strange device. Apparently it was a recording that an advanced alien race had made that, when activated, flooded the user’s mind with images of the history of the universe as seen from this civilization, from the big bang to the end of their race. We watched, entranced, the creation of the universe, the expansion of countless galaxies, and the rise and fall of this alien race as if watching the seasons of their civilization from spring to winter. By the end of the overwhelming stimuli, having all of the intense information compressed and distilled into such a short burst, we were emotionally exhausted, left incapable of anything but tears for the loss.

The dream changed again, and either I was watching some sort of new Star Wars movie or I was in it: I saw Han Solo, Chewbacca, and some unknown Wookie who was fixing some sort of machine.

After the short Star Wars tangent, I was back with the girl from earlier; she was telling me about all of the dresses she owned and how they were great because they allowed her to holster a variety of weapons at her hip. This is about where I woke up.


My thoughts: Well, the girl and her mother were rather persistent characters, appearing in almost every facet of this strange hodgepodge of dreams. I guess they represent my distrust of people and my paranoia about being taken advantage of or scammed. Other than that, it was an extremely long dream - or rather, a series of dreams wherein the beginnings and endings fuzed with those before and after.

The scene with the alien devise was so intense in my dream. I remember seeing things that would be impossible to see; it was interesting how my subconscious portrayed the Big Bang, etc. It really felt overstimulating.

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